Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ferran Adrià Exhibition 

In 1973, two chefs invented a new cuisine called nouvelle cuisine. Not long after, Ferran Adria was appointed as joint chef of elBulli. It was this nouvelle cuisine that created a base for Adria’s cooking and he went on to take this cuisine to a whole new level. Adria cuisine is very unique in the sense that is goes beyond using only seven senses and creates an emotion or a sense memory. People begin to eat with their brain. He chooses not to create a new dish but find new technique, concepts, and methods. One video in the museum explained how Adria created a new language just as Shakespeare did. It can be said that some of the most important aspects of Adria cooking were learned from others. From Jacques Maximin, he learned to stop copying and start creating. Also, he learned that poetry and quest for purity could be considered as two main ingredients for cooking and generosity along with absolute freedom had to be imprinted on cuisine. Adria learned from these lessons and went on create things from Irish coffee of green asparagus and truffle to white bean foam with sea urchins. Combinations that people would never have imagined. Just like art, to really appreciate for what it is, it needs to be seen. It is hard for the mind to comprehend what deconstructed chicken curry is without seeing it. He uses his brain to create the scientific make up of the dish and then his eyes to create the art of the presentation. The dishes he creates seem to follow into a category of scientific art, through his deconstruction, textures, and combinations. The museum explained how his, “Workshops work as labs of idea, where models of research are just like those applied to science and art.” He has created the perfect fusion of art and science. Adria gastronomical revolution has continued and seemed to spread its arms to all parts of the world. The common culinary conventions have been reversed.  

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