Thursday, December 6, 2012

El Raval Assignment

El Raval 

The first time I went to El Raval I did not know the history of the place. Before I went, people told me to be careful and not go by myself. After I heard this, my image of the place was completely skewed. As I walked through the streets at night, a kept looking around to make sure we were safe and there was no danger around us. One of my previous blog entries showcases this. The advice I received kind of ruined my experience because I was to worried about watching the people around me than taking in this awesome place. As it turns out, this is one of the most dynamic areas in Barcelona. When Barcelona looked at this area to renew, it saw it could go in two directions. El Raval could be renewed from the inside out and keep the social fabric of the area or contract the area out to big business men. Barcelona chose wisely and decided to keep the social fabric and this is very evident in many aspects of El Raval. For one, this place was an area for locals to come together because Las Ramblas was over run by tourists. Old buildings and churches were transformed into new uses. For example, Convent dels Angels was converted into a place for young artists. Young designers and artists can use this area to have a fashion show or showcase their art. El Raval has this young identity. There are many small stores that are run by young store owner. This young movement became even greater with the addition of the University. The city became the campus of the University and allowed the students to become part of the area. Other universities are separate from the city and there is no reality in that. In most cities, the cost of the land is so expensive that every part of the place is over run with buildings. In El Raval area, there is a number of open area to meet and hang out. Right in front of the museum is an open area that has become popular among skaters. Also, with the addition of the underground garbage system, El Raval is a very clean area. Much cleaner than other parts of Barcelona I have seen.

One of the most important things Barcelona chose to do during the renewal process was no to kick out the immigrants. There is a large population of Pakistan and Moroccan immigrants in this area and people probably thought this area would become very dangerous. However, Barcelona saw that if you give basic services to people like education than they will behave better. When an area is improved, there is something inside people that will want to keep the area clean and safe. After the September 11th attacks, some people probably labeled everybody in this area as terrorists; however, it is not fair to punish everybody because of one singular person. Also, luxury buildings have tried to open in El Raval but it just does not fit into the area. It just does not go along with the social fabric. I believe that the renewal of El Raval was a success. The renewal did not just change buildings but also people. The area became safer and better because of opportunity. El Raval offers kids the opportunity to learn and grow. For example, the first hospital in Barcelona was transformed into a public library for kids to go freely. Also, young kids can look outside and see a number of students studying and going to University.Today, El Raval has fused culture and education into one.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Botellón Article (Catalan News)

"Botellón a 300 euros"

In an article of La Vanguardia entitled "Botellón a 300 euros" by Barbara Julbe, she explains the concept of the botellón and how stiffer laws are going to be imposed for people who are caught taking part in the botellón. She states that minors are going to end up paying the steepest fine of 300 euros. The raise in fines in due to the trash left behind and the loud noise created during the botellón. A botellón is something that I got to experience firsthand. It was an eye opening experience because most underage people and many people of age would not dare drink in a public area. They would stay locked up in a room somewhere. There would be too much risk to do this. The article states that people take part in the botellón because of the cost of drinks at bars and clubs. With the economic crisis, it has become too expensive to go out and buy many drinks. This is one similarity that Americans share. Back home, it is so much cheaper to buy drinks at the grocery store before going out and then only buy a few drinks when you are out. Here especially, drinks are very expensive. The thing that surprises me the most is why they chose to all drink outside with the danger of getting caught. I have not been able to find an answer for that. One reason could be that most students still live at home, unlike in America, so there is nowhere else but outside to get together and drink. I do not think these raise in fines will have that must effect on the amount of botellóns. As one student in the article said, when they see cops, they drop their drinks and run. If that is the cheapest option for the students then it will continue to occur.    

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Leisure Activity

Barcelona vs Alavés

Throughout my time here, I have always wanted to go to a FC Barcelona football game but the tickets have always been to expensive to afford. When I learned that the Barca vs Alaves match had very cheap tickets, I knew I could not pass up the opportunity. I went out and bought my David Villa jersey and was ready to experience this maybe once in a lifetime experience. We were lucky enough to get seats that were ten rows back from the field. It was the best view. Before I went to the game, I had heard that the stadium and atmosphere are amazing and they it did not disappoint. The stadium did not get completely full but it was huge. It looked more like an American Football stadium than any soccer stadium I have been too. I could not have imagine how the Barca vs Real Madrid game was like. All the people were covered in head to toe with Barca gear and they were so full of energy. They would do different chants throughout the game but I had a hard time understanding what they were saying. I did notice that a few times they did a very loud chant for independence while people put up the Catalan independent flag. It was also cool to hear how loud the stadium would get when a call was not made. Many people would stand up and yell and point at the referee. People also went crazy when Barca scored. The flags would be waving and the fans would be jumping up and down. Also, guys in orange jackets would stand up and surround the field whenever any team scored. I guess so nobody would get onto the field. All in all, it was an awesome experience. I wish all the starters would have been playing but it was still fun to see. I got a little taste of what football means to this city. People seem to eat and drink the sport. It is in there blood. Not everybody can say they got to see one of the best football teams in the world live.  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ferran Adrià Exhibition 

In 1973, two chefs invented a new cuisine called nouvelle cuisine. Not long after, Ferran Adria was appointed as joint chef of elBulli. It was this nouvelle cuisine that created a base for Adria’s cooking and he went on to take this cuisine to a whole new level. Adria cuisine is very unique in the sense that is goes beyond using only seven senses and creates an emotion or a sense memory. People begin to eat with their brain. He chooses not to create a new dish but find new technique, concepts, and methods. One video in the museum explained how Adria created a new language just as Shakespeare did. It can be said that some of the most important aspects of Adria cooking were learned from others. From Jacques Maximin, he learned to stop copying and start creating. Also, he learned that poetry and quest for purity could be considered as two main ingredients for cooking and generosity along with absolute freedom had to be imprinted on cuisine. Adria learned from these lessons and went on create things from Irish coffee of green asparagus and truffle to white bean foam with sea urchins. Combinations that people would never have imagined. Just like art, to really appreciate for what it is, it needs to be seen. It is hard for the mind to comprehend what deconstructed chicken curry is without seeing it. He uses his brain to create the scientific make up of the dish and then his eyes to create the art of the presentation. The dishes he creates seem to follow into a category of scientific art, through his deconstruction, textures, and combinations. The museum explained how his, “Workshops work as labs of idea, where models of research are just like those applied to science and art.” He has created the perfect fusion of art and science. Adria gastronomical revolution has continued and seemed to spread its arms to all parts of the world. The common culinary conventions have been reversed.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Catalan Politics

Catalan Politics vs. U.S. Politics 

Before arriving in Barcelona, I knew little to none about the political landscape in Catalonia. It was not long before I got to witness one of the biggest struggles in Catalan politics, independence. On September 11, I saw people with the independent flag draped over there back and people chanting independence. After hearing about the number of people who attended this event, I knew this was an important issue to the people. Most days, I see some symbol of independence. For example, during the Barca vs Real Mardrid match, the independent flag was being flown and the chant of independence could be heard. With such importance put on this from the people, a lot of Catalan politicians run off this platform. The first thing I learned about the different political parties was if they support independence or not. A lot of the politicians’ political posters made some reference to this. Also, the parties seem to agree on different variations of independence. For example, some favor complete independence like the ERC while others want to be somewhat independent like the ICV.
For me, the election process in Catalonia is still a little complicated. It is very different in relation to America. In the U.S., there are pretty much two parties fighting to win the election and once one of them wins then he controls the government. The Catalan election operates differently. For one, Artur Mas moved the elections up by two years, unlike in America where the President would not be able to do this. Also, during the elections in Catalonia, you are voting for a party to receive more seats in Parliament. For example, in the 2002 election, CiU won 30% of the votes and so they received 30% of the seats in Parliament. Another, interesting thing about Catalan politics is the formation of alliances. In America, there really is no formation of alliances because it is a two party system. There is more comprise than alliances. In the 2002 election in Catalonia, the ERC, with 11% of the vote, asked CiU if they wanted to form an alliance. CiU declined and so ERC formed an alliance with PSC, with 22% of the vote, and so PSC and ERC gained majority. They went on to add IPC to form the Tripartit. An alliance allows parties to come together to gain majority of the Parliament. CiU lost majority in 2002 because is chose not to form an alliance. Another interesting aspect of Catalan politics is where the money for the parties comes from. In America, a citizen is allowed to give money to a certain party or candidate. There is a good amount of transparency because anybody can look up and see how much this person gave to this party. It is a little different in Spain. It is against the law to give money directly to a candidate. Most of political parties money comes from taxes. The amount of tax money each company receives is based on the percent of the votes received in the election. It is impossible to know where the money comes from. So, your tax money could go to a party that you do not support at all. Many people believe this causes a lot of corruption that goes on in the government.
Recently, the Catalan parties favoring independence seem to be gaining a strong following. It will be very interesting to see how well the parties that favor independence do in the upcoming election and what will happen if they do gain many seats. Tension between Madrid and Catalonia will certainly heighten if that is the outcome.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cultural Activity

La Sagrada Familia and Casa Batlló

Recently, I finally got to visit La Sagrada Familia and Casa Batlló. Before I arrived in Barcelona, I was told by a great number of people that I have to go visit La Sagrada Familia. I had seen many pictures of it but nothing compared to seeing it in person. The first time I saw it was during the light show at La Mercé. The light show seemed to bring it to life but it was to dark to really see the details of the building.  After the show, I decide that, sometime before I left, I would go see it during the day and go inside. The day finally came when I got to see La Sagrada Familia during the day and it was amazing. On the outside alone, Antoni Gaudí put so much detail into each part. It still seemed as if it was moving like during the light show. When I entered the church, I thought it would look like the churches I had seen in Rome but I was dead wrong. There were pillars laying in different directions, the ceiling looked somewhat like flowers and the stain glass looked crystal clear. It was really interesting to see the crucifix hanging in the air, almost like it is floating. I have never seen anything like that. I learned so much more when I walked through the area that explained Gaudí's thought process. He seemed to learn his designs from nature. For example, some pillars acted like trees and the gargoyles were animals found in nature. After learning this information, it was cool to look for things that resembled nature. I now understand why La Sagrada Familia is so important to Barcelona.

Next, I got to visit another Gaudí creation, Casa Batlló. I had walked by this place many times without realizing what it actually was. It was very interesting to learn about Gaudí's thought process during the creation of Casa Batlló The outside of the building is supposed to be interpreted in many different ways. There is no one thing it is supposed to be. Inside the house, I learned that Gaudí chose to create a lot of the parts in representation of the water. From the walls to the ceiling to the doors, many things were shaped like waves. He seems to bring the aspect of nature to inside the house. It was also very interesting to see how he manipulates the sunlight by using different colors and different size windows. Casa Batlló was a very surreal experience. I know have an even better understanding of why Antoni Gaudí is held to such a high regard around the world.     

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

El Raval Article

"Los inmigrantes siguen ganando peso en el comercio del Raval"

The article entitled "Los inmigrantes siguen ganando peso en el comercio del Raval" by Lluis Sierra appeared in La Vanguardia on November 7th. The article explained the rise of immigrant store owners in the Raval district. It stated that 45% of the store owners of the Raval are foreigners. The rise has occurred in the past decade with the increase in immigration from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. Sierra states that Jaume Badia, the president of Tot Raval, is asking why the origin of the owner should be important if it is never looked at in Gracia. The article goes on to talk about how the area has been able to obtain a high number of open shops during the economic crisis. Only 4% of the businesses have closed. However, some of the area of the Raval are not as prosperous. For example, Sierra explains how the Raval South is not very financially stable and a lot of people have said the hardship is due to the Bus Turisic not stopping in the Raval.
I have only been to the Raval once. It seemed very different from the surrounding tourist areas. When I was there, I noticed that there were many shops that sold cellular devices and it seemed people were always standing outside the store. Also, I could tell that there were some parts that were not holding up as well as others. When we ate outside in the Raval, the server kept telling us to watch our things because people get many things stolen around there. However, the food was very good and the area had very unique buildings. All in all, the Raval was a very cool and different place. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Born (la Ribera Quarter) Assignment

The Born (la Ribera Quarter)

Many streets in The Born area were dedicated to a specific craftsmanship. Carrer Dels Corders was skilled in making ropes. Carrer Dels Cotoners produced cotton. Carrer Dels Mirallers specialized in mirrors. It is where many of the stained glassed windows for the church were created. Carrer D’espaseria made swords and Carrer Dels Canvis Yells was like a little wall street because that was where the bankers dealt money.  Els Gremis were association of workers that specialized in creating a certain product. Each guild was located in a narrow street of The Born area. That street is where the workers of the guild would live and work in their la casa-taller. Today, the streets names still represent what each guild specialized in making.

It was very interesting to see how la casa-taller was set-up. At eye level, there is a big workshop window for customers to peer into. Next to this window was a small door that led to a very narrow staircase that led to the other floors. Above the workshop window, there were three windows in the vertical line that got smaller in size as they got higher up. On the first floor above the workshop, the owner lived. This floor was bigger with higher ceilings. The other floors were smaller and occupied by the workers. Also, all the furniture located on these floors were made by hand inside la casa-taller because it would have been impossible to get anything of great size up the narrow staircase.

The craftsman’s buildings were not very flashy buildings. The buildings were very simple and clean because they believed that there was no need to show your wealth outside of the building. It should be reserved for the inside. The only thing that was a sign of how much wealth a person has, was by a balcony. The more tiles a person had, the more money they possessed. Many of the buildings were covered in plaster to cover the stone. If there was no plaster then the stone had to be very smooth. Also, many of the buildings had rounded corners to allow chariots to navigate through the streets.

Santa María Del Mar is a church close to the sea and is very simple and clean on the outside. It is very similar to other buildings in the area. They believed the riches should be inside because that is where communication with God takes place. On the floor of the church, there are stamps of different families where they are buried. El Mercat del Born was the first wholesale market opened under a different name and paved the way for the market culture in Barcelona.  El Fossá de les Moreres is a plaza located by the Santa Maria Del Mar. The fallen soldiers of the Siege of Barcelona were buried here and the memorial plaza was built over it. This place is very significant in Catalan culture and the constant burning flame shows this. After the war of the Spanish Succession, Phillip V built La Ciutadella Park to maintain control over the people of Barcelona.  La Ciutadella was later torn down and rebuilt as a park.

Catalan society changed after the decrees of Nova Planta. All the ancient charters were changed so that everybody was to be ruled by the laws of Castile. All Spaniards were allowed to trade with American colonies because trade barriers did not exist.  Also, there was not a separation of two groups of Spaniards. Everybody was equal with respect to his or her rights.

El Consolat de Mar was the governing body of issues dealing with matters related to the sea. They created and enforced laws that had to do with trade across the sea and other commercial matters. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Leisure Activity


Before I arrived in Barcelona, I did not know about the botellón. I quickly learned about it after a few weeks here. Spanish students told us that if we want to drink before going out that we should come down to the main street and drink with them. I thought this was a strange concept. In America, we have what we call a pregame and that, more than often, takes place inside. Nobody would dare risk drinking in the streets were a cop could see you. So when the Spanish students said this, I was a little hesitant because I did not want to get in trouble with the cops. The students assured us that it would be fine. When we arrived, there were many students standing around just talking and drinking. Nobody had any  glass bottles or cans of anything. Everybody was drinking from a big Fanta or Coke bottle so it did not seem like they were drinking any alcohol. I was still nervous because I kept thinking I was going to get in trouble. Everybody seemed like they were having a good time just drinking and talking. I noticed a big difference between the botellón and the American pregame. The botellón seems to going along with the Spanish culture of socializing. Just as their dinners have a very important social aspect to them, the botellón seems to have that great social impact as well. In America, the goal of the pregame is to down many drinks. Just as an American dinner seems to focus more on the food than the people, a pregame main goal is to get drunk. It would be very common to see people chugging drinks at a pregame but this was not evident at a botellón. Also, it was very enjoyable to be outside during the botellón. There is something about the outside that made it more relaxing and fun. It is much better than many people cramming into a room and trying to drink and talk over the music. All in all, the botellón was a very good experience and I wish that I could bring that concept back to do it in America.